Sunday, May 3, 2009

don't sweat the small stuff

So I get mad really easily... I don't want to, it just happens. Little things with my family and a few others, just make me really mad. And I yell. Thats how I deal with things. Thats how my family dealt with things. My mom yelled at me. My Dad yelled at me. Later my Dad felt bad, but I couldn't and still haven't forgiven him for a few of those times that he freaked out on me out of no where. I mean yeah I provoked it a little, but no one especially a child ever deserves being screamed at and told they are stupid. He has tried to make up for it so many times. Now he can't understand why after all of the good things he has done for me, I still hold onto those instances where he lost himself to the moment...anger or frustration....whatever it stemmed from.

Well ladies and gentlemen, now I am one of these individuals who lashes out in moments of frustration. I don't mean to get so upset, but the situations in which it happens are just stupid. The problems usually don't even matter that much. But I get mad, yell about it, and then a few minutes later everything is fine. When my mom, sister, and I get mad at eachother we just yell at eachother then after it settles we're back to normal. But apparently this method doesn't work for everyone.

This has affected some of my relationships already. I'm just a nineteen year old gril with some issues I guess. I so badly want to be slow to anger and slow to speak, but even in moments that I recognize my emotions and try to control them, they still come out. I've been working on this issue in my life for over a year. The whole emotion thing... well i've got some more work to do. I'm sorry if I have hurt anyone.

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