Monday, May 11, 2009

Experiences and Choices

It just hit me today. I'm going to Haiti in a week and I am not prepared in the least...not physically, emotionally, spiritually. I can't believe the school year is over... A year of responsibility, joy, difficulty, loss, and huge gain.

I woke up yesterday at 9am...ready to work my butt off and get the heck out of Anderson to make it to my sisters grad party. I never stopped running around, carrying things, cleaning things, untill it was done. I was exhausted, but it was over. My car was packed, the dorm was clean and ready for the summer. With excitement that we could soon leave, the RAs gathered in the lobby for one last prayer before we parted ways, some of us only for the summer but others forever. We huddled together thanking God for all of his work this year. All of my pain and my joy from the past 9 months was present in my mind. "This has been an amazing year", I thought. I looked around the circle as Abby prayed at some of my now best friends. These girls were there for me this year like no one else was. I wasn't ready to leave them. I wasn't ready to leave for the summer knowing that I would be forever changed by events to come...just like I had been changed by the shared memories with these beautiful girls. We are all imperfect, but together we make up for eachothers weaknesses. I am so grateful that I got the experience of being an RA. There were alot of things that I could have done better, but I was true to myself and real with the girls along the way. I loved my girls, and I loved the fellowship with the staff. I will never have another experience like it. I hugged each of the RAs goodbye and began to cry a little. But I knew that it was time to go. People at a fiesta were waiting for me.

So I get to this party...My family is kinda funny. They like to tell their crazy stories that without fail have something to do with alcohol. A few crowd favorites are: signing up for nineth grade with a hangover, honeymoon that involves police, tazers, and eatible underwear. And of course Dad's friend in a mid-life crisis, driving a corvett and smoking pot. I get a whole different view of life from this side of my family, and I've learned many lessons from them. I'm glad they are a part of my life. They are the other side that makes up who I am today. They think that Jayne and I are perfect. I think that Dad wants us to be better than them, but we are all the same. They are good people. Life is about choices....a friend just reminded me, "we make good choices and bad choices. It's how the world works." Where ever we are in our lives, its about the what we do next...the next right choice.

This post is kind of random but it all happened in the last day...

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